Smooth coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) is a semi-aquatic mammal belonging to the Order Carnivora and Family Mustellidae. It is known as “Oodh Balao” in Urdu language, “Ludhro” (singular) and “Ludhra” (plural) in Sindhi language, “Ludhar” in Punjabi and “Khuwarr...
Syed Shamim Fakhri from Zoological Survey of Pakistan while conducting herpetological surveys in Balochistan Province during August 2009, found six specimens of the Seistan spiny-tailed ground lizard or Seistani sanda in Kharan, Washuk and Punjgur districts. It...
A Plumbeous Redstart (Rhyacornis fuliginosus) was sighted by Prof. Z. B. Mirza on 9th February 2012 at the reservoir on the eastern flank of Chashma Barrage at the fall of an escape canal, which is beyond Kundian towards Mianwali. The Redstart was a solitary bird...
Mr. Sakhawat Ali, a research scholar in Prof. Z. B. Mirza’s team while studying the ecological linkages of fauna and flora of Chashma Barrage under a WWF Pakistan funded project, sighted a Baer’s Pochard (Aythya baeri) along the eastern flank of the Barrage on 9th...
Prof. Z B Mirza and his team of Kinnaird College for Women University while studying the ecological linkages of fauna and flora of Chashma Barrage pond area under a WWF Pakistan funded project, found extraordinarily large sized Freshwater Mussels on 9th February 2012....