Membership Categories
Join PAKISTAN WILDLIFE FOUNDATION and help conserve nature under following categories: 1. HONORARY MEMBERS Retired professionals from Provincial Wildlife Departments, Forest Departments, Universities, Research Institutions, Conservation Organizations and Nature...
Registration Procedure
Pakistan Wildlife Foundation welcomes to all young scientists, researchers and nature lovers to come forward and join hands with Pakistan Wildlife Foundation for nature conservation, environmental protection and raising awareness about importance of nature and natural...
Protected Areas
01. Margallah Hills National Park: Islamabad, established 1980, area 15,883 ha. 02. Hazarganji Chiltan National Park: Balochistan, established 1980, area 15,555 ha. 03. Hingol National Park: Balochistan, established 1997, area 6, 19,043 ha. 04. Kirthar National Park:...