Wellcome To Pakistan Wildlife Foundation
The objectives of the foundation are to help protect, preserve, conserve, manage and sustainably utilize wildlife and their habitats in the country.

Our Supporters
Bio-Resource Research Centre
IUCN Otter Specialist Group
Zoological Society of Pakistan
International Otter Survival Fund
WWF Pakistan…
Our Partners
Punjab Wildlife and Parks Department
Quaid-e-Azam University (Department of Biochemistry)
National Welfare & Human Development Organization…
Our Members
Dr. Waseem Ahmad Khan – Chairman
Safwan Shahab Ahmad – Vice Chairman
Dr AA Qureshi – Vice President (Sindh)…
Our Mentors
Mr. Muhammad Sharif Khan – Born in 1939. Graduated from University of the Punjab in 1960, obtained M.Sc. degree in Zoology from Punjab University, Lahore in 1963, awarded Sir William Roberts Gold Medal for standing first…
Distance Learning Course
“Certificate in Wildlife Management”
Course Duration : Three Month (March 01-May 31, 2023)
Course Objectives: To train the persons involved in wildlife management, wildlife breeding and wildlife surveys through online lectures and field visits in different habitats.

Latest Videos
Pakistan Journal of Wildlife
“A Publication of Pakistan Wildlife Foundation & University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan”
Pakistan Wildlife Foundation aims to provide a platform for the nature lovers, university students, young scientists and researchers to communicate globally with biodiversity experts through publishing their wildlife related research. For this purpose, Pakistan Wildlife Foundation launched Pakistan Journal of Wildlife which is a quarterly and peer-reviewed research journal published both in electronic and print versions.

Latest Posts
Wildlife Safari / Sindh
Wildlife Safari / Eco-Internship In Sindh with Pakistan Wildlife Foundation Pakistan hosts a wide range of ecosystems / habitat types and associated biological diversity due to its unique geographical and climatic conditions. There are snow covered peaks,...
3-day Hands-on-Training about Snakes
UNDERSTANDING THE SNAKES 3-day Hands-on-Training about Snakes April 11-13, 2025 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) Organized by PAKISTAN WILDLIFE FOUNDATION 3-km Choa Saidan Shah Road, Kallar Kahar, District Chakwal WhatsApp: 0333-5214333, Email:...
Wildlife Colloquium
The 1st International Pakistan Wildlife Colloquium Colloquium Registration Form: Download Colloquium Registration...
Pakistan Journal of Wildlife Vol 7 Issue 2
S. NoArticleDownload1 Assessment of Physico-Chemical Parameters in the Wild Amphibian Enviroment of Taluka Kotri, District Jamshoro, Sindh-Pakistan. 1. Assesment of Physico Chemical Parameters in the Wild2 Accumulation of Some Heavy Metals in Selected Tissues of Cape...
2-day Hands-on-Training on Animal Preservation & Taxidermy Techniques
Taxidermy is an art of preparing, stuffing and mounting the skins of animals especially vertebrates for display and other sources of study. Taxidermy can be done on all vertebrate species of animals, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. It is a...
PWF Celebrates World Wildlife Day 2019
PWF Celebrates World Wildlife Day 2019 Pakistan Wildlife Foundation (PWF) celebrated “World Wildlife Day 2019” in G-11-Islamabad with the residential community, Ms.Minahil Safwan, Junior ambassador of PWF explained the importance of this day and about the theme and...
Pakistan Wildlife Foundation Introduces Kalabagh Honey
Honey is God's natural sweetener, and when combined with the flowers of Kalabagh it becomes one of the finest health preserving substances in existence. Kalabagh honey is purely organic and free of any additives including water. Some of the benefits of using Kalabagh...
Pakistan Wildlife Foundation celebrates “World Penguin Day” & “World Squirrels Appreciation Day”
Pakistan Wildlife Foundation has celebrated “World Penguin Day” and “World Squirrels Appreciation Day” simultaneously in a school on January 23, 2018 Islamabad. Pakistan Wildlife Foundation has also conducted a series of lectures and awareness raising activities...
Pakistan Journal of Wildlife Vol 1 Issue 2
Muhammad Sharif Khan Herpetological Laboratory, 306 N. Morton, Ave., Morton, PA 19070, USA....
Get In Touch
+92 333 5214 333
Plot No. B-2, Street No. 2, P&V Scheme No. 2, Chak Shahzad Farms, Park Road, Islamabad
Let’s Work Together to Save Nature in Pakistan
Join us in our mission to “educate the masses in the country regarding biodiversity, environment and social issues with a view to changing their attitudes towards positive, sensible and responsible actions towards nature”